Episode 3.1 – The Concrete Pour

So Big It Needs Its Own Episode

Pouring concrete into these carefully made forms filled with steel is no easy task. 

It takes a team to coordinate concrete delivery, sequence of filling the forms, properly vibrating concrete into place, and finishing each surface to exact specifications. 

Watching concrete take its final shape is a spectacle to watch and we’re glad we got up close and personal to bring the event to you in this special episode.


There are a few finishing touches to the prep work before concrete can be poured. 

These masonry cell caps are placed at the top of masonry walls to prevent concrete from unnecessarily pouring down every cell. 

These roof truss staps are embedded into the tie beam and nailed to roof trusses to prevent roof uplift in high wind conditions. A small portion of this pour is single story so these are used.  More will be covered on these in upcoming episodes. 

The finished formboards are fitted with these ties that go through the plywood & prevent the concrete from breaking out of the formboards during the pour.

Quick Clips From The Field

Get up close and personal with the concrete pour. 

What's Next?

The concrete needs time to dry (cure).  Once hardened, forms are stripped off (not an easy task) and surfaces are prepped for the next stage…  The second floor (and some roof trusses too).

Remember to check out Episode 3 to see how these beams & columns were formed. 

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