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CA-LADBS Approval
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Chimney Automation System

Listing Details
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Possible CSI Codes:
CSI Code: 25 93 00 - Integrated Automation Control Sequences for FireSuppression Systems
CSI Code: 25 53 00 - Integrated Automation Control of Fire-Suppression Systems
CSI Code: 25 33 00 - Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Fire-Suppression Systems
CSI Code: 25 55 00 - Integrated Automation Control of HVAC
CSI Code: 25 51 00 - Integrated Automation Control of Facility Equipment
Manufacturer Info
Enervex, Inc. is a leading provider of high-performance HVAC and refrigeration systems, specializing in energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. The company offers a comprehensive range of systems, controls, and services for commercial, industrial, and residential applications, renowned for their reliability, durability, and cost-effectiveness. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Enervex is committed to delivering advanced technologies that reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs, and enhance occupant comfort. View all listings
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Last Synced: 09/09/2024
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RR 8474
RR 8474
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